DA: Christ, McNutsbuster, I told you to stay clear of chinatown ... I know they killed your partner and wife but hell you've got to keep it together son
McNutsBuster: Whatever you say chief
DA: Take a break McNutsbuster, take some leave and sort your head out. I don't want to see you until after the anniversary of your wifes death. In fact, you could test these advanced weapons for me while you are on leave. Just stay away from Chinatown and the triad leader Hoo Chin Bassai
McNutsbuster: I cant make promises chief
DA: Your good McNutsbuster, damn good and I don't want to lose you. We need men like you but your also a renegade, an out of control maverick shooting first asking later, drinking and women. Damn it.
McNutsbuster: You are not making sense any more chief.
DA: I know, damn it.
Excerpt from Bring me McNutsbuster due out on Channel Five for May Bank Holiday.
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