The Hard Way is the latest project written (script and score), directed, starring and produced by Steven Seagal.
Seagal plays Jed McTafferty an ordinary Texan oil rigger whose life is thrown into turmoil when his best buddy is murdered. It turns out his best buddy was a spy for the Chinese government intent on stealing oil and energy secrets for the Chinese.
Jed is initially accused of the crime and so starts to investigate his buddys dubious past. He turns over one too many rock though and the Chinese government kidnap him, take him to Guam and start torturing him to find out what he knows.
In gruesome torture scenes which will remind you of Saw, The Hostel or Wimbledon, McTafferty has to use his stamina to endure unbelievable suffering. All he has to do is kiss his torturers hand whilst on one knee and they will let him go, but that flys in the face of McTaffertys Texan morals and so he prefers to have burning coals applied to his skin.
He is determined to do it, the hard way.
Ultimately he escapes, teams up with an unlikely pair of renegades called Crazyjuice (Mike Skinner) and Kula Demure (Gisele) and kicks some Chinese ass.
New York Times Review: 'I've never been so... ...utter... ...impressed... ...Seagal's extreme... ...talent.'
How about 'Under Siege 3: 'Aches on a Plane'?
Under Siege 3 was covered about ten posts ago! Do better!!
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