Thursday, July 09, 2009

Furnace of Hell

Mike McFurnace: Im going back in there to save Sarah-Jessica goddam it

Chief Braun: Damn you McFurnace, you're the best damn firefighter in the service but I cannot let you go back into that burning towerblock, it's suicide.

Mike McFurnace: Look chief, the only thing standing between SJ and a fiery hellish death is just my bare hands but damn it, I'll try

Chief Braun: You're the bravest son of a bitch but Jesus I cannot let you it's an order now stand down

Mike McFurnace: Sorry Chief, I didn't here the last bit now you do what you have to do

Chief Braun: If this goes wrong McFurnace I don't know if I can cover your ass with the Mayor

Mike McFurnace: If this goes wrong chief I won't have an ass now get out of here

Chief Braun: Damn you McFurnace (wipes tear from eye) you represent everything brave and free in America

Mike McFurnace: Sure Chief, but it's time for me to get my suntan (smiles, lowers viser)

Extract from Furnace of Hell out in a Woolworths clearance outlet near you in time for the Summer holidays

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